Nao Garden

août 11, 2017

Nao Garden was our third year Licence project supervised by Jean-Charles MARTY and François COLIN.
We were a team of 5 students.
The objective was to learn with a robot how to garden. In our case we used Nao.

Here is the architecture used in Nao Garden :

But you can change all the blank blocks for other needs 

, The architecture his totally generic. As you can see in the image you can change the robot or the objective. Our teaching method consisted of a serious game to make the learning process more interesting. Like in a video game, the player gains experiences and can level up by achieving quests.

Here is the video’s project in French :

For the anecdote, at the end of the project I wanted the test it in real conditions. So, with my mother’s help, I organized a trip to Italy (Varese) with the whole team and our teacher Jean-Charles MARTY in order to do a workshop with Nao in the European school where my mother was teaching. The objective was to teach children how to plant a bulb. The experience was run with two French classes CP and CE2. It was a unique opportunity to put into practice our skills ans to test our project reliability.

For more information about the project, you can check the documentation here.

The code can be found here. Be indulgent, it is an old school code XD.